5 Ways to Beat the Heat this Summer

Summer is a special time with our kids, but what can we do when it gets too hot for a trip to the zoo or a day at the park? Here are five ideas to help you create fun summer memories with your kids without suffering in the heat.

Stay Cool Outdoors 

Of course, some of the best ideas for coping with the heat involve water! A trip to the local pool or swimming hole will be great for the whole family. Don’t forget the sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses! If you are not in the mood to load everyone into the car, there are great water activities you can do in your own front yard. The simple Slip-n-Slide from our youth is still available, or you can go crazy with one of these fancy versions! Then serve some ice cream on the patio. You’ll have a ton of fun while staying at home.

Speaking of Ice Cream…

If a day spent outside doesn’t appeal to you, try summer treats inside! If you want something cold, ice pops are a terrific, frozen treat. Grab some popsicle molds and find a recipe online. They’ll be ready in a jiffy!

Crafts and Activities Make the Day Go Faster!

What will you do while you wait for those ice pops to freeze? Try some indoor crafts! Instead of spending time watching television, get creative! You can make toilet paper roll jellyfish or a plant a terrarium. There are so many craft ideas for those hot summer days!

Not Feeling Crafty? Go Back to the Future with Board Games

Board games don’t have to be boring! Have a family game day! Choose some games that everybody loves and spend the day making memories! You can also break out a deck of cards and have some old-fashioned fun!

Baked Treats are Easy to Make

You can’t eat ice cream every day! Choose a great recipe for brownies, cookies, or a cake and let your children have fun while learning basic kitchen skills. You can also let them get creative with cookie decorating! Decorated cookies are all the rage right now on Pinterest and Instagram, so make some frosting and get to work!

There are so many ways to keep cool and create memories that will last a lifetime this summer! Swimming, ice cream, ice pops, crafts, and baked treats should be a part of everyone’s summer!

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